2010 Season Highlights
Color code: Blue = First place, Red = Second place, Drk Purple = Champion, Light Purple = Reserve Champion, Pink = Supreme, best of breed, and best of show
Massachusetts Sheep and Woolcraft Fair:
Barnstable County Fair:
The Bolton Fair: Jr. Show
Middlesex County 4-H Fair:
Massachusetts Sheep and Woolcraft Fair:
- Freddy's Hope won 1st place Yearling Ewe!
- Olivia won 1st Place Junior Lead Line!!
- Freddy's Mocha won Champion Shetland Ram!
- Freddy's Sweet Caroline won 1st place Yearling Ewe!
Barnstable County Fair:
- Freddy's Wilbur won Champion Ram & Champion Shetland!
- Freddy's Fudge won 1st place Jr. Ram Lamb!
- Freddy's Ink won 1st place Jr. Ewe Lamb!
The Bolton Fair: Jr. Show
- Freddy's Ink won Champion Shetland Ewe!
- Freddy's Fudge won Champion Shetland Ram. He also won Supreme Ram and Best of Show in the Junior Sheep Show!!!!
- Olivia won 1st place Junior Lead Line!
- Isabelle won 1st place Senior Lead Line!
- Freddy's Wilbur won Champion Shetland Ram!!
Middlesex County 4-H Fair:
- Freddy's Wilbur won Champion Shetland Ram & Best of Breed!
- Freddy's Sweet Caroline won 1st place Yearling Ewe!
- Freddy's Fudge won 1st place Jr. Ram Lamb!
- Freddy's Jewel won 1st place Jr. Ewe Lamb & Champion Shetland Ewe!!
- Freddy's Wilbur won 1st place Yearling Ram!
- Freddy's Fudge won 1st place Jr. Ram Lamb & Champion Ram!!!
- Freddy's Mocha won 2nd place Jr. Ram Lamb & Reserve Champion Ram!!
- Freddy's Ink won 1st place Jr. Ewe Lamb & Reserve Champion Ewe!
- Freddy's Ink won 1st place Jr. Ewe Lamb, Champion Ewe, Best of Breed, and Supreme Ewe!!
- Freddy's Wilbur won 1st place Yearling Ram, Champion Ram, and Best of Breed!!
- Freddy's Fudge won 1st place Jr. Ram Lamb!
- Olivia won 1st place in Novice Lead Line!
- Isabelle won 1st place in Senior Lead Line!